weekend guide to atlanta & brochure

Our anniversary. One year together, celebrated six hours north by car, an hour by plane. We hopped off our flight at 10pm and rode to downtown, streetlights yawning as they watched the hissing, unrelenting traffic. I think we held hands the whole time, or at least most of it.
You needn’t be in love to enjoy Atlanta. A city of soul and grunge, hazy borders and hard lines, a sprawl holding in its expansive arms space for the sporty, the elegant, the colorful, the monochrome, those inhabiting the houses of all at once. Pack animals do well here, I feel, for the energy created by the humming Battery surrounding Suntrust Park and the slow food romanticism of Canoe Restaurant’s outdoor bar and paved pathway both liven and deepen interpersonal bonds. So too, though, can the introvert thrive, springing along the BeltLine in the company of a sun throwing off its comforter or sipping cappuccinos in a Midtown espresso bar. Or, hell, enjoying house-smoked salmon on potato cakes or Cafe Intermezzo’s authentic Belgian waffles to celebrate the freedom of traveling solo. There’s beer, there’s shrimp and grits, there’s plenty of noise and circles of silence. Take your pick, it’s probably there.

Below I’ve made available a downloadable Atlanta brochure, geared towards steering a weekender’s adventure. Stuff it in your pocket and sneak a peek when your feet need a nudge. Scroll forth afterwards for an expansive photo journal and further visual inspiration!
- Click the “Download” link above and locate file in your computer. It will be named “atlanta brochure.”
- Open the file in Adobe Acrobat. The file contains two pages.
- Go to File –> Print.
- Different printers afford different settings. If yours has a “Fit”, “Fit to Page”, or similar option for sizing, select that one. Be sure the orientation is on “Landscape” and the job set to print double-sided.
- Print the document!
- To orient and fold the brochure: Just fold in half!
*By printing this document, you agree to in no way mass produce for your own profit, or claim the original work as your own.