yoga flow for immune health + video

A flow to boost digestion and stimulate the immune system, but also one to destress and calm. I’ll guess all of us feel sequestered and uneasy at the least, or fully panicked at most. I lean more towards the former – everything around me holds too much strange silence for my liking, though I can’t say I harbor a lot of pure fear – but need regardless outlets to burn out some tension. Yoga is one.

I relish in the outdoors but cannot perform activities which normally warrant time in nature. Swimming pools closed all across the city, and my leg remains too injurous to test on the sidewalks. Yet, I firmly believe in the healing and grounding elements of trees, water, grasses, dirt. Of course, it is crucial to practice social distancing and not congregate in these current times, but so long as yards and grassy fields remain available, slipping a mat into the sand and practicing is an outlet with manyfold benefits. If spaces aren’t open or you don’t feel comfortable venturing away from home, yoga is easy to incorporate in any indoor pocket, too, particularly if you took some bits of my advice on cultivating a home yoga practice. Too, on Instagram I intend to record daily yoga vignettes for anyone who wants short bursts of yoga to incorporate in these wild days. All sequences can even be linked together to create a longer flow!

This flow features several twists and folds, which both contribute to a healthy digestive tract by circulating fresh blood once the twist is released. The gut lends quite a bit to the immune system, as well as to our stress levels: an unhappy stomach and intestines in kahoots sour mood and depletes our ability to fight off bugs. Some of the twists I exhibit are rather deep, namely the binds, but these are adjustable depending on experience. Twist only to your comfort. Remember: stretch, not strain.

Featured Postures

(In the order they appear)

  1. Crocodile
  2. Cobra x 3
  3. Tabletop
  4. Cat-Cow
  5. Twist with extension x 3/Thread the Needle (option to bind, otherwise plant hand by face or extend towards front of mat)
  6. Puppy
  7. Child’s
  8. Crescent Moon twist (option to float, side bend, or deep side bend)
  9. Half Moon variation (option to float or quad stretch)
  10. Crescent Lunge twist (option to bind)
  11. Downward Facing Dog (option to pedal feet, rock knees)
  12. Calf Stretch Twist
  13. Chair
  14. Diver x 3 (try to straighten legs just a big more each time!)
  15. Toppling Tree
  16. Chair Twist (option to open arms)
  17. Warrior 2 to Dancing Warrior (Reverse Warrior & Extended Side Angle) x 3
  18. Triangle
  19. Seated Twist (option to bend extended leg)
  20. One-Leg Seated Fold
  21. Supine Twist
  22. Knees to Chest
  23. Savasana
Sorry for wind noise & airplanes – couldn’t figure out how to override those in CS6.
I also looked away at one point because a cyclist zoomed by and I was making sure he didn’t fly through the frame of my video.


  • “Morning Mandoulin”, Tupelo Train – Chris Haugen
  • “Birds in Flight”, “Lazy River Rag”, “Michigan Greens”- Dan Lebowitz
  • “Winds of Spring”, “Mama’s Whisper” – The 126ers
  • “Seasons” – roljui

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